// A Shelter of One's Own
Éva Tourrent
// France // 2024
// 75 min // Couleur // 16:9
A few shacks built on the hillside on the fringe of society and without men. A place of refuge, of collective and feminist transformation. From this edge, alongside those who build it, I question my place in nature and society, in my couple, the freedom of my body and of having a child.
Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival, 2024 - World Premiere
With the support of the Plateforme Tënk and Ardèche's department
With the participation of France 3 Occitanie
With the support of CNC, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Région Occitanie and Procirep Angoa
Graduated from the Bordeaux Aquitaine School of Journalism (IJBA), Éva Tourrent first worked as a journalist for radio and television (France Inter, France Ô, France télévision), before strating a master degree in documentary filmmaking at the Lussas School/University of Grenoble in 2006-2007. In parallel to writing and directing her films, she supervises image education workshops, then works as an assistant director and general manager for film shoots, mainly in fiction. Since 2018, she is the artistic director of the SVoD platform Tënk. Shelter is her first feature film.
- 15 mai de 17h à 21h
Vernissage de l’exposition Ces voix qui m'assiègent...- Cité Internationale des arts
- 16 mai à 19h
Live documentary performance de Mila Turajlic consacré à son travail sur les archives - Cycle La recherche et ses récits, Le Bal
- 18-21 mai
Projections et rencontres avec Mila Turajlic de Non Alignés et Ciné-Guerrillas, Festival Etonnants Voyageurs, St Malo
- 22 mai à 18h
Rencontre et dialogue entre Mila Turajlic et Elaine Mohktefi (militante anti-raciste et anticoloniale, ancienne du FLN), MEP
- 23 mai à 19h
Projection du film Non Alignés (présenté par Carine Chichkowsky, productrice), Parti Communiste Français, Paris